Last weekend I went to Prague to represent Fedora at LinuxDays 2024. It’s the biggest Linux event in the country with more than a thousand attendees and the Fedora booth is busy there every year.
Like last year the Fedora booth was colocated with the Red Hat booth. It made sense not only because there is a relationship between the two, but it had very practical reasons: I was the only person representing and staffing the Fedora booth and I appreciated help from my colleagues who watch over the Fedora booth when I took a break to have a meal or give a talk.
The biggest magnet at our booth was again a macbook running Fedora Asahi Remix. I gave a talk about it which was only 20 minutes long and was intended as a teaser: here is an overview of the project and if you’d like to know and see more, come to your booth.
Fortunately just two days before the conference, the Asahi Linux project announced support for Steam via the Fex/muvm emulation, so I could utilize a large library of games I own have a license for on Steam. During the talk someone asked if it could run the Factorio game and it could, indeed.
We also had a Fedora conference box which includes a Fedora Slimbook laptop. It was a nice contrast to the Macbook because Slimbook focuses on Linux whereas Apple doesn’t care about Linux at all.
The booth was so busy that I was making a post about our presence for 2 hours because I couldn’t find even a few minutes to finish it.
I also did a bit of user support. An older gentleman approached our booth stating that he had traveled 100km to get help. He had a dual boot of Fedora and Ubuntu and an Ubuntu update had broken the bootloader. Regenerating the GRUB resolved the issue.
Pavel Píša, a doctor from Czech University of Technology, invited me to their booth to check out Fedora Linux running on a Milk-V box with a RISC-V CPU. I left a flyer regarding an open Fedora QA position for RISC-V because Red Hat is currently looking for someone to test Fedora Linux on RISC-V.

Overall, the conference was a great experience, albeit tiring. I hope to attend next year again.
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