Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Brno will host LibreOffice Conference 2016!

So I can finally share publicly that Brno will host LibreOffice Conference 2016. After GUADEC 2013 and Akademy 2014, it’s the third major desktop conference that will take place in Brno. The venue will be the campus of Faculty of Information Technologies of Brno University of Technology which is one of the major computer science universities in the country with a lot of open source participation. That’s also where GUADEC 2013 and 2015 took place.

I was one of the initiators, but most of the work done on the bid was done by Jaroslav Řezník and OpenAlt group which will also provide the event organization with a legal entity.

The conference will take place in the second week of September, looking forward to meeting everyone interested in the open source office suit in Brno!

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