Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Linux Desktop Migration Tool 1.4


After many months, I finally found the time to finish the GNOME desktop/application settings migration in the Linux Desktop Migration Tool and made another release. It basically involves exporting the dconf keys on the source machine and importing writable keys on the destination machine. I’ve also added some extra code to handle the desktop background. If the dconf key points to a picture that is not present on the destination machine, the picture is copied as well. Be it a custom background, or a system provided one that is no longer shipped (in case you’re doing the migration between OSes of different versions).

The list of migrations the tool can do is already fairly long:

  • Migrate data in XDG directories (Documents, Pictures, Downloads…) and other arbitrary directories in home.
  • Reinstall flatpaks on the new machine.
  • Migrate Flatpak app data.
  • Migrate Toolbx containers.
  • Migrate ssh certificates, PKI certificates and nss database, GPG keys, keyring, GNOME Online Accounts.
  • Migrate GNOME desktop/app settings.

The next milestone is NetworkManager settings so that all networks are set up and available when you finish migrating to a new machine.

2 responses to “Linux Desktop Migration Tool 1.4”

  1. Joe Brockmeier Avatar

    @brnohat I really need to test this out.

    1. Jiří Eischmann Avatar

      @jzb @brnohat one needs something like this only once in a few years. I think that's why no one started such a project before. The time I spent on it will probably not pay off in my own migrations, but hopefully it will help others. It's nothing fancy, just a 400-line script, but invested quite a lot of time into how each domain works and it's a shell script, so easily tweakable and extendable. And ultimately it does the job.

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