Due to previous efforts we have a pretty good appdata coverage of apps themselves, but apps are not the only entities that can be exposed to users in GNOME Software and other app catalogs that use the AppData format. Add-ons are another one. If an add-on has a metadata file it appears in the profile of the app it extends. This makes them much more discoverable for users.
The problem is that the vast majority of add-ons don’t have the metadata even though the new packaging guidelines say they should.
And it’s not very difficult to write them. Much easier than app metafiles where you need to include screenshots, longer descriptions etc. Writing a metadata file for an add-on is a matter of a couple of minutes. So let’s do something about it!
I’ve created a wikipage with a list of add-ons that are present in Fedora repositories and extend GUI apps. If you find any missing, please add them. And if you find any that you like and think it should definitely be more exposed to users, just write the metafile and submit it to the package maintainer and ideally to the upstream project as well.

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