Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Only 10 days left to submit a talk to 2016 CfP!

The deadline of 2016 Call for Papers is getting closer, it’s just 10 days away (Dec 1st). is the biggest technical conference focused on Red Hat-related technologies. This year, there were around 1200 visitors and 150 talks/labs.

You can meet a lot of Red Hat engineers there and Fedora as the largest community project of Red Hat plays an important role in the conference. In fact, we’re planning to have a Fedora Day on the last day of the conference again. So if you have any Fedora-related topic, please consider submitting it. But even if it’s not Fedora-related, it will be very much welcome. The conference covers areas such as open source virtualization, containers, kernel, Java, networking, hardware, security, storage, software quality.


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