Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Where is Fedora Magazine most popular?

Matthew’s keynote at Flock 2015 contained a lot of data about the status of Fedora. One of the stats that caught my attention was what countries draw the highest number of views at Fedora Magazine. There are not many surprises. The United States are leading by a large margin. Big countries such as Germany, UK, India, Brazil follow. The Czech Republic is on the 14th position which is not bad because it’s difficult for such a small country to compete with giants in absolute numbers.  But the chart looks very different if you sort countries by views per capita (number of views per one million citizens):


Now, the Czech Republic is leading, followed by Sweden, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. I’m glad to see FM so popular in our country. We try to link to it as much as possible on and promote it elsewhere. It seems to pay off.

2 responses to “Where is Fedora Magazine most popular?”

  1. mattdm Avatar

    Cool! Thanks for this view onto it.

  2. Paul Frields Avatar

    This is really informative, Jiří — thanks for writing it, but also for helping promote the Fedora Magazine globally. Your contributions have helped quite a bit in the past year.

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