Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

FAmSCo in F19 term

The last meeting of FAmSCo in Fedora 19 term took place on Monday. Let me show you how we worked in the term through several statistics:

Time period: December 17th – June 24th

Total number of meetings: 27

Total duration of meetings: 29 hours and 14 minutes

Total number of discussed topics: 130

Number of meetings attended:

  1. Alejandro Perez – 27 (iron man who didn’t miss a single meeting, my fedora off to you, Alejandro!)
  2. Jiri Eischmann – 23
  3. Christoph Wickert – 19
  4. Truong Anh Tuan – 19
  5. Clint Savage – 16
  6. Nick Bebout – 15
  7. Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera – 12

Number of messages written:

  1. Jiri Eischmann – 1682
  2. Christoph Wickert – 1416
  3. Truong Anh Tuan – 803
  4. Alejandro Perez – 679
  5. Clint Savage – 498
  6. Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera – 276
  7. Nick Bebout – 127

Yes, it’s just stats. I also will try to blog more about problems FAmSCo is fighting. And you can come to my talk “Fedora Ambassadors: State of the Union” which has been accepted to Flock. I will talk about it there, too.

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