Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Fedora Packaging Workshop took place in Brno

Last Friday, we organized a Fedora packaging workshop for people who have very little or no experience with packaging. 20 “students” and 5 lecturers participated. The event started with a talk about how to make a good package for Fedora by Mirek Suchy. He used Spot’s slides (check them out). After a lunch break, we continued with a talk on FedoraReview tool that helps you review packages. After this talk, the actual workshop started and participants worked on their packages with assistance of the lecturers. Some of them had working packages by the end of the workshop. Some found out that they’d picked projects difficult to package and they still had a lot to do. You can check the list of packages chosen by the participant on the event’s wiki page. Some of them look really interesting. For example one guy wants to package all necessary open source tools for 3D printing.
We video-recorded both talks, so when we process it we will publish it.

We’re also preparing a packaging workshop for people have some experience with packaging. It will be focused on advanced topics, tools, that make packager’s life easier, and Fedora development cycle to learn all important dates and deadlines. This workshop will be held in Brno office of Red Hat at Oct 19th. If you want to come, please register. And don’t hesitate, the number of seats is limited to 20.

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