Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Red Hat Open House

Another Red Hat Open House took place last Wednesday. Doors to Brno offices of Red Hat stayed open from 1 to 8 pm. Besides guided tours through offices, there were many events. There were tens of talks where teams presented what they are working on, and also several contests – bug hunting, bash master, or RedBot. The final number of attendees was 450 which makes RH Open House the third largest Linux event in the Czech Republic by number of attendees.

We also prepared something special for Fedora users. Fedora test days are well-known. You can follow instructions on the wiki, do some test cases, communicate with others via IRC, and submit results. We wanted to go a bit beyond that and organized an event where everyone can come and test together with our developers. We picked the power management test day for this. So everyone, who went to RH Open House, could grab his/her laptop and test it with our developers that takes care of power management in Fedora.

I think it was very successful. The room was full for the whole day and there are twice more results than from F16 power management test day. And the vast majority of them is from  the Czech Republic! It seems to be another way to make test days more attractive.

F17 power management test dayOur power management guy – Jaroslav Škarvada – in front of the test day room (©vtunka)

  1. Adam Williamson Avatar

    Awesome job! Thanks a lot for contributing to the test day, we really appreciated it.

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