Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Afternoon with Red Hat in Bratislava

We organized another Afternoon with Red Hat. This time at FEI STU in Bratislava. Afternoons with Red Hat are events where we introduce Red Hat and Fedora Project to students and give two or three technical talks. We prepared this program for Bratislava:

  • Red Hat and Fedora Project – myself (basic information about the company, university activities, job opportunities, basic info about Fedora Project, why to use Fedora (most attending students were Ubuntu users), how to get involved and contribute)
  • Kernel Performance Testing – Adam Okuliar
  • ABRT – Jiří Moskovčák
  • JBoss and OpenShift (demo) – Peter Skopek

We also gave away promotional materials such as winter hats, mugs, pens, gloves. All for correct answers to our questions. Every student could also grab a DVD of Fedora 15 so that he/she could try what we were talking about.

Adam Okuliar talking Adam Okuliar talking on Kernel performance testing

 University representatives showed us machines they program Linux drivers for.

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