Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

We’re Organizing Flatpak Workshop


Several years ago, we organized two workshops focused on packaging software for Fedora. It was a success. Both workshops were full and several participants became package maintainers in Fedora. Packaging for Flatpak is becoming popular lately, so we decided to offer a workshop which is focused on flatpaking apps.


This time it’s not focused on the community around Fedora because you can create and run flatpaks in pretty much any Linux distribution. The workshop will again be run by experts in the field (Carlos Soriano, Felipe Borges, Jan Grulich,…). The morning part will consist of talks on Flatpak introduction, specifics for Qt and GTK+ based apps, portals, which integrate apps with the system, and at the end you will also learn to get your app to Flathub, the centralized Flatpak repository. In the afternoon you’ll have an opportunity to flatpak an application of your choice with help of the lectors. That’s why we’d appreciate if you specified what app you’d like to flatpak, so that we can get ready for it. But it’s completely optional.

Date: Wed, November 29, 2017
Time: 10:00-17:00
Venue: Neptunium and Plutonium Rooms in Red Hat Czech, Purkyňova 111, 612 00 Brno
Capacity: 20 participants
Registration: please fill out this form
Language: primarily in English
Admission: free
Prerequisities: knowledge of Linux at the level of advanced users, own laptop with flatpak, flatpak-builder (>=0.8) installed, GNOME Builder is not necessary, but may come handy.

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