Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Flathub, Snap, Fedora: what is more up-to-date?


Yesterday I wondered how Flathub and Snap are doing in terms of proving up-to-date applications and how they compare to Fedora, a traditional and quite progressive Linux distribution.

The comparison is not extremely scientific. I picked (pretty much randomly) 16 apps which are in all three sources, looked up the available version and when it was updated. This subset is not very large. Flathub tends to have popular open source applications well known from Linux distributions. Snap lacks many of these, but has quite a few apps outside the traditional Linux desktop world. And at last Fedora doesn’t have many multimedia apps which include patent-protected codecs (VLC, Kdenlive, MPV,…).

To find out the app version and last update date I relied on Github repositories for Flathub, on uApp explorer for Snap, and on Fedora packages app for Fedora (27).

Looking at the table, you can see that the differences are not big. Flathub generally offers the most up-to-date apps having the latest versions of apps in the list except for missing one minor update for Eye of GNOME, it was also usually the first one to offer it.

The results of Fedora are pretty surprising to me. One of the biggest advantages of Flatpak and Snap they claim they have over traditional Linux distributions is that they ship the latest and greatest, but apparently at least in desktop apps Fedora is not behind and offers the latest versions as well (with two exceptions in this list) and often very close behind or sometimes even before the two competitors.

Of course a distribution model like Flatpak still keeps other advantages (and also disadvantages): sandboxing, you can run it on older distributions (e.g. RHEL 7) etc., but if you’re only after the latest versions Flathub and Snap don’t give you a big advantage over Fedora repositories. And if the Fedora Project offers a Flatpak repository built from Fedora packages as we plan, it can actually be a hit because it will be able to offer up-to-date applications and in a much larger number than current Flathub or Snap Store.

App Flathub Snap Fedora
Darktable 2.4.0, Dec 24 2.2.5, Oct 25 2.4.0, Jan 1
Blender 2.79, Sept 26 2.79, Sept 11 2.79, Sept 30
Corebird 1.7.3, Nov 19 1.7.3, Nov 20 1.7.3, Nov 28
GnuCach 2.6.19, Jan 5 2.6.19, Dec 18 2.6.18, Oct 30
Inkscape 0.92.2, Aug 9 0.92.2, Aug 19 0.92.2, Oct 1
LibreOffice 5.4.4, Dec 20, Dec 1, Dec 19
Nextcloud client 2.3.3, Nov 24 2.3.3, Dec 11 2.3.3, Oct 5
Picard 1.4.2, Sept 27 1.4.2, Oct 7 1.3.2, Jul 14
GNOME Calendar 3.26.2, Oct 5 3.26.0, Sept 22 3.26.2, Oct 11
Evince 3.26.0, Nov 9 3.26.0, Nov 29 3.26.0, Sept 18
Eye of GNOME 3.26.1, Nov 7 3.26.2, Nov 29 3.26.2, Nov 15
gedit 3.22.1, Jul 31 3.22.1, Nov 29 3.22.1, Aug 3
Glade 3.20.2, Dec 15 3.20.0, Nov 29 3.20.2, Dec 10
GNOME Characters 3.26.2, Nov 7 3.26.2, Nov 29 3.26.2, Nov 11
GIMP 2.8.22, Oct 17 2.8.22, Dec 11 2.8.22, Nov 11
HexChat 2.2.14, Apr 12 2.2.14, Feb 5 2.2.14, Dec 12 2016

12 responses to “Flathub, Snap, Fedora: what is more up-to-date?”

  1. exalm Avatar

    But currently Fedora offers the latest GNOME, so apps like EOG are up to date. After 3.28 will be released, GNOME apps on flathub will be quickly updated to 3.28, but in Fedora they won’t be until Fedora 28 is released.

    1. eischmann Avatar

      You’re right. I usually switch to pre-release Fedora around the GNOME release, so I’m not really affected by that, but if you stay on stable, then yes, you need to wait for new GNOME apps for 2-3 months. But GNOME apps are rather an exception, most desktop apps are rolling release in Fedora.

  2. Márcio Sousa Rocha Avatar

    If fedora wants to offer a fedora flatpak repository, why dont just help to put more apps in flathub?
    Are very good apps (some of them professional like qgis) that lacks on flathub.

    1. eischmann Avatar

      Because the flatpaks will be built automatically from Fedora packages. That’s not something Flathub allows currently and I don’t think it will in the future since it means depending on a Linux distro.

  3. skierpage Avatar

    I’m happy with the versions of apps that Fedora packages, until I file a bug and the developer asks whether it happens with the latest development version. *That* nightly dev build is what I need as a standalone Flatpak. Flathub doesn’t seem to offer it, I guess you’d need developers’ CI systems to crank out Flatpak builds.

  4. Venemo Avatar

    Yes, Fedora is pretty good with all that. I think things like flathub would be more beneficial for other distros like Debian or Ubuntu which pride themselves on providing very old package versions to their users.

  5. […] nejnovější stabilní verze přímo od vývojářů. V tomto nemá oproti aktuální Fedoře příliš navrch. Má ale i další výhody. Nabízí například aplikace, které nemůžou být ve Fedoře kvůli […]

  6. […] Flathub, Snap, Fedora: what is more up-to-date? […]

  7. […] flatpaks. Someone wants to have the latest versions as soon as possible. For me as a user of Fedora which provides up-to-date versions of apps this is not a big motivation. Someone wants to run apps more securely. Again I usually trust […]

  8. […] flatpaks. Someone wants to have the latest versions as soon as possible. For me as a user of Fedora which provides up-to-date versions of apps this is not a big motivation. Someone wants to run apps more securely. Again I usually trust […]

  9. Cătălin George Feștilă Avatar

    About Flatpak as it tends to cause comparisons with Docker… Anyway , see comparing Docker vs Flatpak at : make a good

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