Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Flatpak and Endless OS at InstallFest Prague

I spent the last weekend in Prague attending InstallFest 2017. The event is called InstallFest because many, many years ago it started as an event where students could come and get help with installations of various Linux distributions. Times of installfests are gone and this event has transitioned into an open source conference with more practical focus.

The event has moved to a new venue – Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech University of Technology. It’s where Red Hat recently started a new open source lab. The venue was larger than the one in previous years and hosted 3 tracks + a small booth area.

I came to talk on two things – Flatpak and Endless OS. My Flatpak talk was on Saturday and got a 55-minute slot which seemed like a lot of time, but if you want to cover all the specifics of the technology, even 55 minutes is not much. The room was pretty full and the topic apparently stirred some attention. There was even one person interested in porting Flatpak to another distribution.

My talk on Flatpak

My talk on Endless OS was the first one of the second day. I only asked for a 25-minute slot which was just enough to make a brief introduction of the system. I also brought with me both Endless devices I have in possession – Endless One and Endless Mini. There were not as many people as at my Flatpak talk, but those who came seemed pretty interested. Almost none of them had ever heard of the OS and PCs before. They asked if they’d ever be available in Europe (which I couldn’t answer because I have no idea) or if you can connect extending hardware to the PCs just like to Raspberry.

As a side note, I was positively surprised how many people wore Fedora t-shirts at the conference.

Myself with the Endless PCs


4 responses to “Flatpak and Endless OS at InstallFest Prague”

  1. Hugo Avatar

    Endless is growing little by little and in the community the frequent question is “how do I install X or Y application”.

    One problem I notice is that despite being an advantage, application developers don’t directly distribute their applications and it is possible to find 2 or 3 source for the same Flatpak app.

    I look forward to the arrival of Flathub and put some order.

  2. Philip Chimento Avatar

    This is coming a little late after your post, but I can tell you that yes, the Endless PCs are available in Europe. We have a mail order store on

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