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Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Fedora and Flock on Telegram

The Fedora community is growing on Telegram. The group chat which I originally created for Flock 2015 and which was later changed to become a general group chat for Fedora users has grown into the size of >300 people.

We also started a Fedora News Channel as a sort of experiment because it’s increasingly difficult to use social networks such as Facebook for spreading the word for free and IM networks may be the new way to get information to users. The channel is currently followed by 294 users, but some messages get three times as many hits because they’re delivered to every subscribed user and they may be share them further. Compare it to Facebook where our messages reach 10% of subscribed users at average.

I’ve also been asked to create a group chat for Flock 2016. So if you’re going to Flock and wanna follow what’s going on there, join it!

8 responses to “Fedora and Flock on Telegram”

  1. Sudhir Khanger Avatar

    I think Fedora IRC would see huge bump in activity if it were using Slack. IRC is a huge barrier and isn’t growing anywhere close to Slack.

    1. Tummala Dhanvi Avatar
      Tummala Dhanvi

      That a controversial topic and more details can be found here
      and I am guy that supports IRC

      Even Telegram is proprietary and it should be upto to the developers who use them 🙂

      1. Sudhir Khanger Avatar

        Yeah I am well aware of these popular opinion. IRC is useless unless you are running your bouncer. Even then it is a pain.

    2. eischmann Avatar

      I consider IRC a work tool. It’s not for jibber-jabber, it’s for work communication. And I think it works quite well that way.
      Frankly, I don’t agree Slack should be adopted by Fedora. I mean, someone can create a Fedora room there and Fedora users who use Slack can go there and chat, but replacing IRC as the primary means of communication between contributors? I don’t think so. Telegram is much more open than Slack, but I still don’t think it could be a good choice for it either.
      We need something that is widely used, supported, accepted and completely open to replace IRC.
      If someone wants Slack it’s probably better to go for Mattermost.

      1. Sudhir Khanger Avatar

        Even work needs constant connectivity and record of communication which IRC can’t provide. I use ZNC and my understanding is that IRC/ZNC doesn’t keep a timestamp so when I open my client the buffer is appended with current timestamp. IRC is seriously lacking.

        I wasn’t really recommending switching to Slack but its an observation I have made since I have started using Slack. Companies like Disqus has seen a huge boost in communication as a result of switching to Slack.

  2. Hedayat Avatar doesn’t seem to be available?!

  3. Delsie Colasamte Avatar

    Sustain the remarkable job !! Lovin’ it!|

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