Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Fedora at 2015 2015 is just three weeks away, and the schedule was announced a few days ago. There are 150 talks and workshops in three days and Fedora plays an important role in it, especially on the last day which is mostly devoted to Fedora and thus called Fedora Day. Let’s look at which Fedora-focused talks the schedule offers:

Fedora Atomic – Collin Walters
Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop – Christian Schaller
Vagrant for your Fedora – Tomáš Hrčka, Josef Stříbrný
Using Fedora as a base for the IoT revolution – Peter Robinson
Fedora: State of the Project – Matthew Miller
CentOS for Fedora – Karanbir Singh
Fedora Workstation Roadmap – panel discussion with the Workstation working group
Automation with Fedora in Taskotron – Tim Flink
Google, ownCloud and your Fedora Workstation – Debarshi Ray
Bodhi2, MirrorManager2, progit, FAS3, anitya, the-new-coolness… What’s going on in Fedora infra? – Pierre-Yves Chibon
Fedora Server – getting back to roots – Stephen Gallagher
Fedora Release Engineering Today – Dennis Gilmore
Life of a Fedora Cloud image – Kushal Das
Discuss environment and stacks in Fedora – Honza Horák
SCE wide system assessment for upgrading Fedora – Petr Hráček
Fedora Council Joint Session – panel discussion with the Council members
Packaging Workshop – Matthias Runge

 And these are just talks that are focused on Fedora, there are much more talks that are on technologies which are very related to Fedora. So don’t hesitate and come to join us in Brno on Feb 6-8th!

One response to “Fedora at 2015”

  1. […] Fedora Day, kdy je naplánovaných opravdu hodně přednášek, které jsou zaměřené na Fedoru (napočítal jsem jich 17). A nakonec i na konfereční party v pátek ve Flédě, kdy můžu jako organizátor a chvilku […]

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