Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

FAmSCo in F20 Term

Yesterday, we had the last FAmSCo meeting with the old set of members and it was effectively our last meeting in the F20 term. So I suppose it’s the right time to report how FAmSCo was working in the just ended term. Here are some stats:

Number of meetings: 31 (only 2 were cancelled due to Flock and Christmas holidays)Average attendance: 5.1 / 7 members (we didn’t reach quorum of 4 members in only one occasion)
Total number of topics discussed: 125 (4 per meeting)

Activity of members by number of meetings attended:

  1. Alejandro Perez 30
  2. Jiří Eischmann 25
  3. Robert Mayr 24
  4. Luis Bazán 24
  5. Truong Anh Tuan 21
  6. Christoph Wickert 20
  7. Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera 9

As you can see Alejandro was again the ironman of FAmSCo in the last term, missing just one meeting. He will be missed in FAmSCo.

Activity of members by numbers of messages posted:

  1. Jiří Eischmann 1781 (71 per meeting)
  2. Christoph Wickert 1049 (52)
  3. Truong Anh Tuan 841 (40)
  4. Alejandro Perez 759 (25)
  5. Robert Mayr 570 (24)
  6. Luis Bazán 265 (11)
  7. Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera 74 (8)

The highest number of messages posted for me is no surprise considering I chaired most of the meetings.

I’d like to note that this post is not meant to be a judgement of FAmSCo member’s contributions. It’s far more complex. But it’s nice to see that FAmSCo is active and we meet, discuss and make decisions regularly.

I’d like to thank the members that are leaving FAmSCo, especially Alejandro who served as the vice-chair in the last term and missed almost no meeting during his one and half year in FAmSCo. I’m very much looking forward to new members: Neville A. Cross and Jon Disnard. Both are a long-term contributors who have been very active in the regional communities. I’m also glad that all regions have representatives in FAmSCo again. That’s a very important thing for the communication between FAmSCo and the regions.

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