Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Conference Duathlon

A conference duathlon is what I’m going to experience in the next two weeks. I’m one of the organizers of GUADEC 2013, a GNOME conference which is held in our beloved city of Brno. And it’s not an easy one to organize. You have to have a legal entity to sell stuff (tickets, t-shirts, lunch tickets,…), set an online paygate (this was a particularly tricky one), invoice sponsors, communicate with them to meet their expectations, sponsor chosen community members, organize several social events, produce tons of swag etc. etc. etc. So no wonder the whole GUADEC 2013 team has been busy in the last couple of weeks and I maintain all my Fedora duties on a basic level (still responsive, but can’t do anything extra).

GUADEC starts in two days and will keep me busy until Aug 8th when I have to quickly pack my stuff and leave for the Prague airport to fly to Flock 2013 which starts on the 9th. A request to submit slides of my Flock talk by Aug 1st was the last nail in the coffin of my sanity and free time. I usually work on them around 11pm when I finally catch my breach. But I’m apologizing to Flock organizers in advance: Sorry, I won’t be able to submit them in the final version.

Besides being really busy, I’m looking forward to Flock. Although all FAmSCo won’t meet there in person as I planned, 4 members will be there, so we still can discuss a lot. I would like to also include other ambassadors in a broader discussion about Fedora Ambassadors project. One of the projects I want to start working when I get less busy are Fedora fliers. I still hope I’ll be able to organize some session to get all parties (devels, marketing, designers) together and spin it off.


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