Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Spring Season 2013

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I haven’t written a blogpost for a while. It was mainly because I was too busy with all the events I organized or attended in the last three months. So here is a little recap:

  • Feb 23-24 – 2013 – this is an event that took weeks of my life. I was the head of the organizing team and we went really large this year. There were almost 100 talks, workshops and sessions. We counted around 700 attendees and we haven’t had any significant problems, so success.
  • March 2-3 – InstallFest 2013 – this is a traditional Linux event at Strahov campus of CVUT. Strahov has always played an important role in the Czech Internet and it’s called Silicon Hill. It has a strong Linux community. I delivered a talk on where Fedora is heading.
  • April 10 – Afternoon with Red Hat in Bratislava – a set of talks introducing Red Hat and its open source projects and technologies to university students. We talked on Fedora, ABRT, openJDK, and MRG.
  • April 15 – Afternoon with Red Hat in Prague – the same event as in Bratislava, just talks were different: Fedora QA, Ceylon language, and QML.
  • April 17 – Red Hat Open House – another “day of open doors” in Brno offices of Red Hat. There were a lot of talks, programming contests, we held a F19 power management test day whose room was full all the time. I delivered two talks on RHT programs for students, community activities etc.
  • April 22 – Afternoon with Red Hat in Ceske Budejovice – it was our first time in this city and we were surprised how many students came and how interested they were. We talked on Fedora, Fedora on ARM, JBoss, OpenShift, and Modern Linux Desktop. It was probably the only Czech university which has a lecture room with RHEL (not CentOS).
  • April 23 – Presentation of Red Hat Thesis Topics at FIT BUT – we prepared another set of thesis topics for the next school year. Students can work on open source projects with us. At this event, we showed student what they could work on and tried to answer all their questions. BTW we have a new thesis management system, check it out 😉
  • April 24 – Presentation of Red Hat Thesis Topics at FI MUNI – the same event, just different Brno university.
  • April 25 – Red Hat Presentation in Bratislava – another event in Bratislava, in fact just one building away, a different faculty. I talked on RHT programs for students and community activities.
  • May 7 – Day of Industrial Partners at FI MUNI – career fair kind of event, we had a short presentation of Red Hat and then we were answering students’ questions about Red Hat.

And it’s not the end. On Monday, I’m going to EurOpen to talk on the transition from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3. And on May 21st, I’m going to LinuxTag 2013, probably the biggest Linux event in Europe. Life never stops 🙂

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