Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Developer Conference 2013 just one month away!

Time flies and Developer Conference 2013 that we have already been preparing for months is just one month away. The program is pretty much finalized and it looks great. Last year, we thought it was not possible to pack more in two days. Well, this year, the program is even richer. We have 60 talks, 18 lightning talks, 20 workshops in 10 sections (Kernel, Core OS, Networking, System Management, Security, Desktop, Documentation, Quality Assurance, Cloud, JBoss). And there are also other events outside the conference program: systemd hackfest and FAD will take place on Thurs and Fri before the conference, GNOME Docs guys will come here for a 5-day-long sprint, Red Hat and SUSE RPM guys will have a session, Arquillian guys will hold a hackfest.

We expanded the social event a bit. Because the university canteen, where we hosted the social event in the last years, was destroyed in reconstruction, we moved it to a legendary Brno club Fléda which is just a few minutes away from the venue. We’ll have a live band etc. Of course, you can always head off somewhere else which is why we prepared a map with all recommended restaurants, cafes, groceries,… near to the venue.

We booked about 60 rooms in Avanti Hotel for the conference and they’re all gone. Avanti is fully booked now (we might get more rooms later if they receive some cancellations). Check out our Accommodation page where you can find other recommended hotels if you haven’t booked one in Avanti. There are many hotels and B&B at different price levels in Brno. Just use,,…

And BTW the conference admission is free and we don’t require people to register. We just keep it in a very free and open source way 😉

Oh, and I almost forgot: please help us spread the word about DevConf 2013 in your LUGs, countries,… We have a nice set of banners.

4 responses to “Developer Conference 2013 just one month away!”

  1. Ryan Lerch Avatar

    And you don’t have to travel very far!


    1. Kevin Kofler Avatar

      Yeah, it’s always nice to have an event in one’s own city. 🙂

      I actually have to travel there, but at less than 2 hours of train (from Vienna, Austria), it’s not too bad either. 😉

    2. eischmann Avatar

      Yeah, after my last travel experience, it’s a huge benefit 🙂

  2. Alexisalexis Avatar

    Looking forward to the next visit to Brno !!

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