Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

October Was a Crazy Time

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I usually write about every major event I participate in. But October was so busy that I just didn’t have time to write anything. So I decided to do it in a batch:

Oct 13-15: FUDCon EMEA 2012 in Paris

It was a great event because there were really interesting talks. We got quite a lot of done (swag for EMEA, budget and reimbursement guidelines, new ambassador mentors in EMEA… yeah, I’ve become a mentor). And I also got a Raspberry Pi! Thank you, Spot!Too bad that the number of attendees wasn’t that large. I’d love to see EMEA FUDCons being more attended.

Oct 18: Red Hat Thesis Presentation at UPOL

We had a presentation of bachelor and diploma topics that we offer to students. University of Palacky in Olomouc doesn’t have a big computer science program and they’re not very focused on Linux technologies, but we get a student there from time to time.

Oct 19: Advanced Fedora Packaging Workshop

As I wrote in my last post, we organized the first Fedora Packaging Workshop in our Brno office. The first one was for beginners, and this one was for people who have some experience with packaging and wanted to learn more advanced tools. We gathered about 15 participants.

Oct 20-21: LinuxDays 2012 in Prague

LinuxDays were founded to fill a gap after discontinued LinuxExpo which used to be a quite big event (about 2000 attendees in the best years). The first edition was especially interesting because it was co-hosted with openSUSE Conference, Future Media, and Gentoo Conference. All these conferences made a nice international event. It was ruled by SUSE guys because they were the main organizers, but Fedora didn’t disappear among green Geckos. We had a Fedora booth that was staffed by me, Jaroslav Řezník, Dennis Gilmore, and other people from our local community. I and Jaroslav also delivered a talk “How To Contribute To Fedora Project” which was mainly focused on testing and packaging.

Oct 23: Afternoon with Red Hat in Ostrava

Afternoon with Red Hat is a set of talks by Red Hat employees to show (not only) students what Red Hat is doing and what interesting open source projects we’re involved in. This time, we went to Technical University of Ostrava, which is the “industrial heart of the Czech Republic”. What graped our attention was one of the longest hallways in the country. Its length is about 560 meters and it’s absolutely straight, so they e.g. used it for testing high volume wireless data transmissions (10 Gbps). We had talks on Fedora Testing by Kamil Páral, Kernel File Systems by Lukáš Czerner, and a demo of OpenShift by Libor Zoubek.

Nov 3-4: LinuxAlt 2012

LinuxAlt is a traditional Linux event in Brno. Red Hat is the center of pretty much all Linux activities in Brno. LinuxAlt is not an exception. The organizing team is full of redhatters and Red Hat is the main partner. We also had a Fedora booth and there were several talks by redhatters. I and Jaroslav had “How to Contribute to Fedora” which was very similar to what we had at LinuxDays two weeks before that.

One response to “October Was a Crazy Time”

  1. Fabian Avatar

    Nice summary 🙂

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