Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Fedora Packaging Workshop for Beginners


A week ago, I wrote that we wanted to organize a packaging workshop and asked for feedback. Well, thank you, I received a lot of answers. And here we go, we formed the first workshop:

Because there were big differences in packaging experience, we decided to actually make to workshops – one for beginners and one for people with experience with packaging. The latter one will be held a few weeks after the first one.

Date: Friday, September 21st, 2012
Time: 10am to 5pm
Venue: Brno office of Red Hat, Purkynova 99/71, Brno, Czech Republic
Capacity: 20 participants
Registration: please fill out this form
Language: either Czech or English (will be decided at the beginning of the workshop. It depends if there will be any foreign participants)
Admission: Free

Participants are expected to bring their own laptops with Fedora or RHEL (ideally latest versions). Wifi will be available.

We recommend you bring your in-process packages or decide what program you want to package during the workshop. Please inform us about your decision in the registration form (or later), so that we can prepare for it. If you have no idea what package to choose you might want to check the wishlist where users put programs they miss in Fedora.

The exact workshop program is not done yet. But participants will learn how to make an RPM package for Fedora/RHEL and get it to the official repositories of Fedora. So they will learn about Fedora Packaging Guidelines, Fedora Package Acceptance Process, and also about Fedora life cycle, or SIGs which are related to the topic. In the second part, participants can package the software they chose with help of mentors who will be available for questions and consultations. The program can be adjusted to what participants are interested in on the fly.

The capacity is only 20 participants, but don’t worry if you don’t make it into the first 20. If the interest remains high we plan to organize packaging workshops regularly.

6 responses to “Fedora Packaging Workshop for Beginners”

  1. Randy Faux Avatar
    Randy Faux

    Will you be posting notes and/or recordings of this and the subsequent workshop?

  2. leif81 Avatar

    I too would love a video recording of this if possible. Bit far to travel from Canada 🙂

    1. eischmann Avatar

      We’ll definitely record the workshop, at least the first part with talks. And I also think the language will be English because there are already some foreigners signed up.

    2. Andrew Schott Avatar

      Agreed, Milwaukee, WI, USA here 😛 Plus no time to get off work during that period even if I had the cash for plane tickets and such.

      Another +1 for slidewhow/notes and video.

  3. Dyanmic Avatar

    +1 for a live recording. Any plans to host a similar event in the UK ? :))

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