Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

DevConf lodging: last call!

We’ve managed to get a special rate at Avanti Hotel**** which is our default lodging option for Developer Conference 2012. It’s not only a very nice, clean hotel, but it’s also just a few minutes from the venue. The special rate is €52 (CZK 1,337) for a double-bed room with breakfast and parking lot (no matter if it’s occupied by one or two persons). I need to send the hotel the list of arriving people by Monday January 16th. There is going to be some footwear fair at Brno exhibition area about the same date as Developer Conference, so it may not be easy to get a room in Brno later.

If you’re planning to attend Developer Conference and want to get a room in Avanti Hotel, please contact me by Sunday. 

  1. Kevin Kofler Avatar

    I assume the people on this list:
    are already being taken care of, right?

    (At least that’s what was said in : “If you’re going to attend GTK+ and GNOME Docs hackfests, KDE SIG FAD, or oVirt meetup, you don’t have to book your room this way.”)

    1. eischmann Avatar

      Yes Kevin, you’re already on the list. Jaroslav has taken care of it.

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