Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

LinuxAlt 2011 in Brno

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Our Czech Fedora ambassador team (me and Jarda Řezník) represented Fedora at LinuxAlt 2011. LinuxAlt is the biggest conference in the Czech Republic that is devoted to Linux and open source software. This year, there were about 500 attendants which was slightly more than in 2010. In addition, the conference was moved to a larger and more representative building on FIT VUT campus. That’s the building we proposed for GUADEC 2012 and I must say we didn’t lie when we wrote in the proposal that this venue is very high-tech. There were two screens, presentation slides were on one and Twitter wall was on the other. Attendants could comment the talk online and everyone in the room could see them immediately. Moreover all talks were recorded by the state-of-art recording system and available online the same day. Organizers promise that DVDs will be ready by Christmas! 😉

Fedora booth at LinuxCon 2011 Fedora and Red Hat booth ©joejoe

In the foyer, there was plenty of room for booths.  At our booth, we showed Fedora 16 on tablets, and gave away DVDs with Fedora 15 and stickers. I must say that Red Hat office in Brno must have an impact on what distribution users are using because we met a lot of users that are using Fedora. When we go to different cities and countries, it’s usually mostly Ubuntu. Brno is becoming a Fedora stronghold 🙂

We also had several talks. Because Red Hat was the platinum partner of the conference I had a chance to present our activities and projects we’re doing with students and the community. Jarda Řezník had two talks – the first on open source mobile devices, the second on the current Linux desktops. Another redhatter, Jan Horák, talked on systemd. Our documentation guys, Petr Kovář and Florian Nadge, talked on documentation tools. Jaroslav Škarvada on GNU Radio and Maroš Zatko on “Linux at 30km above the sea level (in the balloon)”.

Me at LinuxAlt 2011 Me talking on Red Hat community projects ©joejoe

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