Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

GNOME Has No Czech Translators

For at least the last 15 years, the translations of GNOME into Czech have been in excellent condition. With each release, I would only report that everything was translated, and for the last few years, this was also true the vast majority of the documentation. However, last year things started to falter. Contributors who had been carrying this for many years left, and there is no one to take over after them. Therefore, we have decided to admit it publicly: GNOME currently has no Czech translators, and unless someone new takes over, the translations will gradually decline.

Personally, I started working on GNOME translations in 2008 when I began translating my favorite groupware client – Evolution. At that time, the leadership of the translation team was taken over by Petr Kovář, who was later joined by Marek Černocký who maintained the translations for many years and did an enormous amount of work. Thanks to him, GNOME was almost 100% translated into Czech, including the documentation. However, both have completely withdrawn from the translations. For a while, they were replaced by Vojtěch Perník and Daniel Rusek, but the former has also left, and Dan has now come to the conclusion that he can no longer carry on the translations alone.

I suggested to Dan that instead of trying to appeal to those who the GNOME translations have relied on for nearly two decades—who have already contributed a lot and are probably facing some form of burnout or have simply moved on to something else after so many years—it would be better to reach out to the broader community to see if there is someone from a new generation who would be willing and energetic enough to take over the translations. Just as we did nearly two decades ago.

It may turn out that an essential part of this process will be that the GNOME translations into Czech will decline for some time.Because the same people have been doing the job for so many years, the community has gotten used to taking excellent translations for granted. But it is not. Someone has to do the work. As more and more English terms appear in the GNOME interface, perhaps dissatisfaction will motivate someone to do something about it. After all, that was the motivation for the previous generation to get involved.

If someone like that comes forward, Dan and I are willing to help them with training and gradually hand over the project. We may both continue to contribute in a limited capacity, but the project needs someone new, ideally not just one person, but several, because carrying it alone is a path to burnout. Interested parties can contact us in the mailing list of the Czech translation team at

8 responses to “GNOME Has No Czech Translators”

  1. Alexandre Franke Avatar

    @brnohat have you considered organizing a translathon at the Brno Red Hat office? The String Freeze is coming soon, so that would be a good opportunity to get people involved and maybe find the next generation.

    1. Jiří Eischmann Avatar

      @afranke @brnohat We'll see if there is any interest. I've been too busy lately to organize a hackfest just in case someone shows up.
      I've talked to several people who showed some interest, but pretty much everyone was put off by the GNOME's l10n infra. Damn Lies haven't evolved at all in the last 15 years. We old timers don't mind it or may even welcome it, but these days people are used to better UX. I wonder this could also significantly contribute to this situation. 🙁

      1. soaproot Avatar

        @sesivany @afranke @brnohat If you inspire/coax someone to write better/additional tools that could also be a good outcome. I'm far enough from this problem (in multiple ways) that I'm unlikely to help myself, but I like the way that this thread lays out the problem and does what y'all can to invite in new contributors.

  2. pancake :butterfly_:​:neofox_lesbian: Avatar Kinda interested, and feeling like I should contribute given I use cs_CZ Gnome software, but the executive functioning is not on our side ​:neofox_flop:​

  3. dieTasse Avatar

    @brnohat I might be able to help. Not that I would put a ton of time into it, but I can contribute.

  4. Mordae Avatar

    @brnohat Can't we instead set up automated translation system using some freely available LLM?
    I'd be willing to chip in so that GNOME can purchase the necessary hardware… It just doesn't seem reasonable to ask humans to actually translate the apps. Maybe correct mistakes…
    Preferably, the setup would not just feed it the gettext files, but also quote relevant source code spots for context. Eventually the model should be able to process rendered windows for validation.

  5. Desert Angler Avatar

    Long time #linux user here. I don’t know (remember?) when Gnome was first released, but I am pretty sure I have been using linux for longer than the Gnome project has existed. Over the many years, I have seen the Gnome project make many mistakes, and then ignore the community of users who get upset with the changes. This fragmented the community into many sub-camps, Gnome 3, Unity, Cinnamon, Pop, Mate, XFCE, etc. With that fragmentation there was no cohesion of the bread and butter applications, until the Mint folks started building the universal xapps. I use Gnome 3 today on Ubuntu, but only to be familiar with it as I was doing Corporate Desktop Linux engineering, but I will soon be returning to Cinnamon because it is a better over-all user experience for me, and many others. This is a long winded way of saying, the Gnome development community, or maybe Red Hat (perhaps that is redundant) drives people who may contribute away.

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