Brno Hat

Jiri Eischmann's Blog

Developer Conference 2012 – looking back

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Developer Conference 2012 is over. I nearly want to say “finally” because the last week for pretty exhausting for me. It was a great weekend though! I enjoyed the event even though it was pretty busy for me because of all the organizational workload.

A big surprise for us was the audience. Over 600 people showed up. I met a lot of people from the Linux community and from companies that use Red Hat technologies or build their products on them. The conference was finally completely international. 95 % of all talks were in English, most conversations in the hallway were also in English. There were much over 100 foreigners that had come from all over the world. Several “subevents” helped us attract a lot of interesting people from abroad. GTK+ hackfest and GNOME Docs Sprint brought about 30 people from several continents. Mini Logging Summit, that took place in our office on Thursday, brought another bunch of very interesting people. KDE SIG Fedora Activity Day also brought a bunch of interesting people and as Jaroslav Řezník told me, it was very productive.
I wish I could have attended more talks. There were 60 of them and as I could hear I was not the only one who had hard times to decide which talk to attend and which not. It was even harder for me because I spent most of the time taking care of organization and I could attend only a few of them. I’m really glad that I could attend Bryn Reeves’ “How To Lose Data and Implicate People” which was one of the best conference talks I’ve ever attended. Bryn had two talks at DevConf and both were great. I hope he will come next year again.

BTW 600+ attendees make Developer Conference the biggest annual Linux event in the Czech Republic, which is not bad for a conference for developers, right?

I was really glad to see familiar faces from the GNOME and Fedora community. I was especially glad that Fedorians such as Christoph Wickert, Jared Smith, Sirko Kemter, and Rex Dieter came to Developer Conference. We had many interesting conversations over a glass of beer.

BTW I’d like to ask everyone that attended Developer Conference to fill out our feedback form. It will help us make Developer Conference 2013 even better.

  1. kashyapc Avatar

    Jiri, are the slides and any other related info. available somewhere?
    And, is asking for Videos is too much? 🙂 [Maybe, videos from selected rooms would be helpful.. for those who are remote and can’t attend..]

    Btw, really nice work. The schedule seems packed.

    1. eischmann Avatar

      We’re collecting slides now. The videos (and hopefully slides) will be available at I will announce them at this blog.

  2. andre klapper Avatar

    Thanks for organizing this, it was pretty cool!

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